
Background of "French Revolution"

Before, each member of your team speaks on half on each of three classes such as peasant, bourgeoisie, and nobility, your team need to know the basic knowledge of French Revolution. Begin your WebQuest with doing background information about the revolution, the three estates, and the social, political, and economic unrest in France at this time. The following links will help you do this. Trough these links, you have know what the reason of French Revolution and what the result of French Revolution are.
Process for using the website

1.You should choose members you feel that you can work with.

2. As a team, you should find basic information to gain a simple insight into the French Revolution. you should visit the following sites.

3. You have to find information aboout background of French Revolution through the first website

4. You have to find the raesons and results of French Revolution through the second website

5.The team should discuss what they have learned at the previous sites and formulate a list of descriptors for this time frame.


->Go to the websites

1. Reformation and Revolution*

Concentrate on the background information


2. Encyclopedia about "French Revolution"*
Focus on gathering information about reason and result of French Revolution


Introduction to "French Revolution"

Are you ready to travel in the time to the chaos of the French Revolution?
You find yourself in a country, without social, political and economic equality. While the bourgeoisie eat seven course meals and live the life of luxury, peasants find themselves struggling for survival and live life from day to day. Then suddenly the storming of the Bastille happened in 1789 and French society is turned upside down.Through the WebQuest, you will explore the events in the French Revolution and experience different perspectives of different groups in French society. In addition, you will know how lives were completely changed and how this events have affected on the course of history.

Website for "Social Class" in France

After finding the general information about French Revolution, each member within the group will research one of the roles the task calls for. At first, each of you will have to decide on which role you would like to take. Then you can find information on each of these roles and the effects they had on the revolution and French society by looking at the web sites listed for each role. Trhough these web sites, members of your research team will learn about the different groups in society during the French Revolution.
->Go to the websites
Your first step in this journey is to assume your identity.
Which Estate do you belong to?
After that, you will think about these questions while you are finding information
1.Who are you? (definition)
2. What has happened to you recently?
3. What is your opinion about the revolution?
4.What has been your role in the revolution?

Step1. Peasants

Step3. Nobility

The Project

After gathering all information for task, your task is to determine who you will portray during the French Revolution. You assume a fictional identity and research what that person's life was like, what challenge they were faced with during the revolutionary period and what the changes of their lifestyle, their political status, what the meaning of French Revolution to them is. After choosing your role, you will make your profile about your character, and also you will hold a fictional meeting between the groups of society to try and come up with a peace plan. Finally, your team will turn in group paper about a fictional meeting

Step1. Choose who you will be during the French Revolution



-France Nobility

Step2. You will write your profile and You must include answer of these basic questions in your profile

1. What was your life like before the revolutionary movement began?

2. What events of the revolution might have affected you most?

3. What role, if any, might you have played in the turmoil of the time?

4. What is your life like after the revolution?

step3. You have to make a outline to prepare your argument for the debate. This part of the assignment is important because it will help you organize your thoughts and evidence for your argument in the debate.

step4. Your group will come together and use individual research to create a 10- 12 page paper about discussion.
*This will be graded based on the thesis, grammar, historical accuracy, and content.*

Advice for Teachers about French Revolution

*Guide for teachers*

1. Intended Audience
This WebQuest was designed for use in a 11st grade World History Class. Students at this age have enough ability to find appropriate information about task through different website and to use these information for creating their own paper and group paper that shows what they learned.

2. Goals of the WebQuest
It is assumed prior to using this lesson, that the students will have studied the background, events and social classes during the French Revolution in 1789. The primary objective of this WebQuest is for students to understand the events and major players in the French Revolution. Using this knowledge and using the web sites provided, the students will research, analyze and put themselves into people who are living in France at 1789. They will write profile about who they experienced and turn in group paper what they discussed about French Revolution.

3. Skills Students Need
To success doing the WebQuest, students need to find the appropriate information about task through a lot of Internet. They also need to know what the meaning of each social class such as peasant, bourgeoisie and nobility because understanding these words is essential to do task on WebQuest. Also, they have to know how to use computer to type for writing profile and group paper.

4. How many computer time they need
Students will use the computer for one hour, three times in a week, for two weeks. So, they will spend six hours in computer lab to finish the WebQuest. According to the procedure of the task, students will follow the six steps in computer lab.

+Computer Lab Class+

C.L.C 1 Group research for gathering background about French Revolution


C.L.C 2 Each of members will find information about social classes in France


C.L.C 3 Writing profile assignment

C.L.C 4 Preparing outline for debate

C.L.C 5 Writing group paper about discussion

C.L.C 6 Reviewing two assignments before they will turn in


5. Evaluation Guidelines
Student's grade will be divided into three main sections

A Submitted character profile

B Submitted group paper of discussion

C Participation in discussion

Each of these sections will be assessed on the following components
1. Historical understanding of the facts and events
2. Empathetic understanding of each characters' role and position in the French Revolution.
3. The paper will be graded on the thesis, grammar, historical accuracy, and content.
4. Speak with clarity, purpose, and need to effectively get their point across
5. Must speak at least one time during discussion

Very Good
Major and minor details are accurate in writing asassignments
Student participates several times in the discussion and seems to the important member to the debate

That is Okay
Most major information is correct but there are some inaccurate details in writing assignments.
Student participates more than once in the discussion

Not so Good
All information is inaccurate, lacking in effort in writing assignments.
Student is hardly visible in the debate and seems unprepared